#elliot ramirez
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
computer problems aside, my dads reading insignia:
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gnome-minion · 1 year ago
In universe i bet people ship the combatants like they do sports figures. Sponsors force them to reference the most popular fic on A03 being a 300k marsmirez domestic fic. After Elliot's crowdsurf away the fic author deletes it along with all their accounts because people were sending death threats.
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mentality-of-wukong-au · 1 year ago
The fuck happens..?
Savage: I think this is…a ritualistic sacrifice…
Elliot: What.
Savage: Or a mock version of it.
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iamblue15 · 6 months ago
Grunckle Stan: Dipper. You drive.
Dipper: Are you serious?!
Grunckle Stan: I don't know. A little voice inside of me is saying "This is a bad idea." But I can barely hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is screaming "LET THE 12-YEAR-OLD DRIVE!!!"
Raz: Well, I made this bracelet for you.
Lili: I'm not really a jewelry person.
Raz: You don't have to wear it-
Lili: No. I'm gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Coraline: This is...so dumb.
Raz: (On her shoulders) The higher I am, the better I can see.
Coraline: You can-you can lift yourself with your mind.
Raz: Hush now, Coraline. I am searching.
Lili: You need your brain to touch your skull in order to pass out.
Dipper: Are you saying I've got a small brain?
Lili: No. But I am saying you have a massive, clinically oversized, monumental head.
Dipper: Is it really that big?
Shadow: I think we need to kill this guy, Coraline.
Coraline: Damn.
Loboto: How'd you say you got there?
Lili: We didn't. Beat it, creep.
Loboto: I'll figure it out.
Raz: But Loboto, If you go there, you'll lose your memories!
Loboto: What memories? I'm like a goldfish over here.
Lili: In what way exactly?
Loboto: Hm? Oh hello little girl. Where am I?
Soos: You think the wind is ever trying to tell us something and we don't know how to hear it anymore?
Grunckle Stan: I just need you to stop saying odd shit.
Raúl: If I went missing for like a week, do you think you'd be alarmed? Or-?
Kat: I-I think so.
Raúl: That's-that's nice. I didn't think you'd be alarmed. I'd think-
Kat: You're my friend.
Raúl: I don't like how you said that. You said it with-
Kat: You're my friend.
Raúl: Why are you yelling at me?!
Kat: You're my friend!
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xeinv · 1 month ago
Ricardo x Elliot edit
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emi-loves-jones · 4 months ago
More CC characters as animals! ♡
Gloria Hayes - Highland Cow
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Cows are great moms, and highlands are the cutest ones. Her hair also reminds me of them so I thought it’d fit her :-)
Russell Crane - Demoiselle Crane
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It’s in his name. Also because I just had to make him the smallest and goofiest looking one.
Elliot Clayton - Bat
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Look at him, doesn’t he not look like a vampire already? He also could be a black cat, but I thought a bat would match his style more!
Isaac Bontemps - Bison
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I was actually thinking about the time he called himself “Bisaac Ontemps” and I realized (Bis)aac (On)temps.. so now he’s a bison :-)
Evie Holloway - Dorset Sheep
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Dorsets are super fluffy, and she has fluffy hair! She just gives sheep vibes in general!
Katherine Woolf - Wolf
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Again, it’s in her name. Not to mention her personality! Also so I could make her and Evie a wolf/sheep couple! >w<
Eduardo Ramirez - Elephant
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Elephants are great parents, and they’re very gentle creatures! I also just think he gives elephant vibes. He’d probably like them too :-)
Roxie Sparks - Green-Winged Macaw
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Parrots are her favorite animal. Not to mention, she’s wild and colorful like them. She shares a similar color scheme as Green-Winged Macaws so I thought it’d make sense for her to be one.
I feel like I should apologize to everyone for the recent political posting. I’ve just been so stunned by all this that it’s hard for me to comprehend.
So I thought I’d post these fellas to add more happiness on here!
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frogz-r-writers · 7 months ago
Prompt: camping with friends
"Look who finally decided to show up!" Alex exclaimed as he struggled to set up a tent. There were poles sticking out in various directions and the fabric of the tent lays in a pile as Alex attempts to prop it up with an extra pole.
"Hey, Cole! Hey, Olive! To what to I owe the pleasure of my favorite oreo-haired friend?" Elliot asked happily, reusing the ridiculous nickname Rowan had given Olive when they first met.
"Cole didn't actually tell me where we were going... so I have no idea what's happening," Olive explains, side-eyeing their brother with aggravation.
"Well, we were just about to kick off our annual camping trip!" Alex cut in, "Once I manage to get my tent built..."
"I offered you a hand with it," Elliot seemed to have repeated for the millionth time, exasperated. Turning to Cole and Olive once again, Elliot continued, "Alex has never gone camping before. I have no idea why he'd referring to this as an 'annual trip.'"
"Because it will be from now on!" Alex explained, standing triumphantly before the miserable pile of tent.
Chuckling, Olive made their way over to Alex and crouched down next to his soon-to-be tent. "Well I'll help you get this thing built so we can get this party started!"
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Graham: Elliot sent me a “Get better soon” card the other day.
Lisa: Aw, that’s so sweet!
Graham: I’m not sick. He just thinks I should do better.
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vodkade · 1 month ago
jeff dahmer
dylan klebold
adam lanza
ted bundy
h.h. holmes
artyom anoufriev
paul bernardo
vladislav roslyakov
oj simpson
elliot rodger
nikita lytkin
charles manson
john wayne gacy
richard ramirez
kip kinkel
ted kaczynski
nikolas cruz
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
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gnome-minion · 1 year ago
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Im on the first chapter of my reread. I'm so excited to read it as an adult, and also incredibly scared.
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mentality-of-wukong-au · 1 year ago
…. *sighs* twins and Elliot, you guys stay with my son and the other twins.
Elliot: Okay…
Savage: Lets’s go…
*Shadow portals Mateo away and brings the others to another room*
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bunniemuffinn · 14 days ago
my introduction
i am a female, diagnosed autistic, anxious person, who finds comfort in the true crime community.
mbti: infj
zodiac: libra sun // gemini moon // scorpio rising
people i like: samantha rupnow, artyom anoufriev, eric harris, adam lanza, richard ramirez, elliot rodger, david katz, jodi arias, anders breivik, vlad roslyakov, dylann roof and others.
artists i like: rammstein, lana del rey, kmfdm, korn, deftones, mindless self indulgence, rebzyyx, insane clown posse, ayesha erotica, nirvana, radiohead and more.
movies i like: we need to talk about kevin, zero day, elephant, black swan, virgin suicides, creep, scream, nightcrawler, barbarian, 22 july, my friend dahmer, duck! the carbine high massacre, nitram, fresh, american psycho, pearl, gone girl, orphan, jennifer’s body.
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issy5316 · 5 months ago
this is a callout post to @hinatasweetgrape
i know you'll be reading this, so i'll let my friends do the talking
oh, and they've seen your other account, @hinataNSFW
season 1:
jones: oh god, you are horrible! simping for a child as well?! and calling out other people's art?! at least they make it look decent and not use AI!
nathan: this is a faith worse than death, to ridicule people who work hard! and you can't even use their correct pronouns at all!
grace: sexualizing a child is horrible! leave julian out of your disgusting fantasies!
ramirez: horrible, just horrible! i know my art isn't always the best, but at least i put in effort, and you don't even get the skintones right for many of them! or make the whiter!
alex: i'm sorry you think your art is good! looking at it is horrifying! and your comments are so innapropriate!
cathy: i'm a hacker, if i had the chance, i would hack your account and make it disappear!
king: i may not understand technology that well, but you are doing a horrifying thing!
season 2:
andrea: what you are doing is so horrible, you think other art is shitty, but it's your art that's horrible, you haven't even drawn it at all! it's AI!
amy: the art is......horrible, and your other posts are just.......just horrible!
russell:'shaking'you are a psychopath......
frank: ya! i know i wasn't the best person and i wasn't best buddies with russell, but i would never sexually assault him! what if my daughters saw your posts and think i'm a horrible person?! and you would never capture karen's true beauty!
hannah: i wish i could delete your posts off my brain.
roxie: all the alcohol in the world can't make me forget what i just saw.
yann: my children could see those posts! are you ashamed of yourself at all?! i am horrified by those posts!
karen:........i am disgusted, i know me and frank don't always see eye to eye, but he would never assault someone!
season 3:
ingrid: i'm almost tempted to turn back to my ice cold self just by looking at those posts.
jack: what the fuck did i just look at?!
lars: those posts are just so weird........even when i got high, i didn't see stuff like that!
angela: i hope you are ashamed of yourself for what you have done.
carmen: i am not white at all! you are a horrible sorry excuse of a wannabe artist!
marina: you need all the therapy of the world, and i don't think it will even help you.
jonah: i'm going to lock my weapons up before anyone finds them after seeing your art.
elliot: your art is horrible, but i can't see your other account since i'm 17, but after everything i heard, i'm glad i'm not 18.
michelle:........prepare to get sued.
season 4:
arthur: i am horrified with what the future generation is coming to! i am so disgusted right now!
richard: this self experiment of what i saw is making me feel things i don't like at all.
viola: even bad written plays are better than what i saw and read!
maddie: i don't want to solve this case since it's horrifying!
charles:........i thought the inventions would be better, i guess i was wrong.......
isaac: at least i'm dead by the time this is created.
evie: this is why i stay with books......
rose: i don't know what to do about this.......this is horrifying.
diego: at least i make my art look decent, unlike this wannabe art i'm looking at!
season 5:
diane: this is the most horrifying thing i've ever seen, and i've been working in the law for a while!
gloria: i'm so glad my son isn't going to be looking at this stuff you created.
martine:'curses in french'
rita: i think i'm going to give myself amnesia.
rupert: amir, is the new generation always like this?
amir: no, no it's not.
gabriel: people are insane if they think insulting good art work is good.......
season 6:
christopher: what am i looking at right now?
zara: nightare fuel is what i'm looking at.
janis: my grandchildren have better manners than you.
theo: i'm getting my lawyers.
kai: and i'm fixing the time machine to prevent us from looking at this.
orlando: you have horrible taste in words!
penelope:.......maybe i should stop writing fanfiction for awhile.
season 7:
jacob: you must be working with the demons to have your head so far up your ass.
gwen: you don't put effort at all or think, i hope you realize you are wrong........but i don't have hope for you.
luke: now i wish i was old enough to drink to forget what i just saw.
ben: i'm disappointed that our fandom is becoming corrupted because of people like you, i know our games aren't the best, but we deserve some respect!
priya: i wish i was in my werewolf form so i won't remember this.
hope: i don't have hope for your future in this fandom.
felix: i'm going to look for an elixar to forget about this.
season 8:
JP: gauthier, please buy some bleach for all of us.
gauthier: yes papa, i want to forget about this.
hugo:......i think i'll consider changing my behavior for once in my life.
carrie: i did not come to paris to witness this!
nadia: disgusting.......writing noncon, sexualizing a minor! i know i call dead peopel pretty, but at least i ask for consent and make sure they are an adult! i hope you will realize your mistakes one day!
enzo: i think i might change my behavior as well.......like hugo said.
emile:'shaking'i am getting away from the internet is you are here to make it unsafe!
lea: i agree with emile!
and that's all
i know you will say something about this, and i will be honest with you
you put in no effort at all, you made fun of other people's art, this fandom already has enough problems in it
so us a favor and think before you act, this fandom has drama, like the others, but that doens't mean you need to create it, we just want to have fun and you aren't doing us a favor by creating stuff like this, and insulting other people's work
you can block me, becausee guess what?
i don't give a flying fuck about your opinion
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drunkkdriver · 1 year ago
Finally making an intro 😭
Basic: My names Kevin. Im 16. I’m a guy and I’m gay.
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I am interested in true crime. My favorite cases/killers are the columbine shooting, Dylann roof, barry loukaitis, dnepropetrovsk maniacs, Richard Ramirez, and Elliot Rodger. I am interested in other cases though.
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Music: kmfdm, bladee, Jeff Buckley, goreshit, Rammstein, lana del Rey, mazzy Star, Chief keef, Ethel Cain, fall out boy, death grips, Charlie xcx, korn, slipknot, wham!, sir-mix-a-lot, s3rl, lmfao, candlemass, Ayesha erotica, modern baseball, the front bottoms, American football, sorority noise, mom jeans, skinny puppy, duster, The Weeknd, and a shit ton more I pretty much like a little bit of everything.
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Movies: zero day, all of the live action Spider-Man ones, natural born killers, dinner in America, Trainspotting, beautiful boy, American psycho, the x-men movies, full metal jacket, call me by your name, Brokeback mountain, Deadpool, dead poets society, human centipede, maze runner, warm bodies, the perks of being a wallflower, and more. (my letterboxd is https://boxd.it/6XPNr)
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Shows: Squid Game, Dexter, SpongeBob, Barry, the boys, you, ultimate Spider-Man, daredevil, impractical jokers, x-men 97, aquateen hunger force, Mr. Robot, Hannibal, American horror story, beavis and butthead, ridiculousness, South Park, smiling friends, jackass, teen wolf, and more.
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Games: Sally face, FNAF, fran bow, mouthwashing, gta5, spiderman, minecraft, doki doki literature club, Roblox, cry of fear, Fortnite, call of duty
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I LOVE MARVEL 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
I am a giant slushy noobz fan as well
im the guy with a possum
I’m nice and always open to new friends feel free to add my discord (drunk.dr1v3rr)
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Elliot: Everyone, I have some bad news. Pen was hit by a car.
Lisa: Where?
Elliot: It happened this morning in the parking lot. I took her to the hospital. And the doctors tried to save her life, they did the best they could. And… she is going to be okay.
Graham: What is wrong with you?! Why would you phrase it like that?!
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